See matching posts in thread - Description: Does your organization have a Softw...
I have been involved in systems development for the purpose of information management for over 35 years and one thing has remained constant – feature creep
I’m enjoying a closer look at the history of algorithms development in electronic records management systems
Their daily duties are made of testing, parameterization, development, integration, put into production, monitoring, etc., all that helps to establish an efficient technical infrastructure
I agree with Billy Cripe’s thoughts that Agile can (ought to) be applied in the development of cloud based ECM solutions
These applications typically involve collaboration around documents that are expected to be managed in an SOR manner (e.g. proposal development), or they are part of processes that result in documents at certain steps, and these documents are expected to be managed in an SOR manner (HR processes show up in Group #2 as well as in Group #1)
These applications typically involve collaboration around documents that are expected to be managed in an SOR manner (like proposal development), or they are part of processes that result in documents at certain steps, and these documents are expected to be managed in an SOR manner
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