The agile software development team exists to respond, to build, to test, and to deliver...But, agility forgives—“we [the software development team] have to get it right the first time” doesn’t seem to exist in the agile world
See matching posts in thread - Description: Does your organization have a Softw...
How do teams sustain the internal quality of software development? Sustainable pace Early identification of internal quality problems Close collaboration Refactoring Small batches of work Defining technically done Potentially shippable product increments Single work queue What is a sustainable pace? According to the Agile Manifesto, “Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely
When I first began writing articles on software development back in the mid-1990's, I became involved in some of the communities focused around standards-based development and code- reuse
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I was recently taking some online courses on software development best-practices courtesy of Coursera
I believe this is a really interesting development, because it prompts the question: if we're not calling it "social business" anymore, what should we call it instead?
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Initially the Linux kernel was started as a hobby project by Linus Torvalds, and it didn’t have much pretense except to help him learn the intricacies of operating system kernel development. When the project was started, it was nothing innovative, it was definitely not production ready, and not even innovative since it was mostly implementing already existing algorithms
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