Social learning is a powerful instrument available to all organizations as part of enterprise 2.0 toolsets
Instructor-led, classroom-based learning is the most common type of learning that most of us have experienced throughout our lives. However, new modalities of learning are being rapidly enabled as technology advancement allow large amounts of learning resources to be more easily and readily available. These new modalities of learning fueled by Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 is what is driving what is now referred to Learning 2.0 . Technology advancements are enabling Learning 2.0 to provide a fundamental shift in learning methodology that places the learner in the center of learning and allows the learner to control the learning process. Learning 2.0 augments the conventional methods of learning through access to a rich set of Enterprise 2.0 tools that continue to evolve and change the way we experience learning
Synxi is developing a “learning layer” that adapts, morphs and LEARNS from the behavior of the user and of the systems that they interact with to get their jobs done
So what is Learning 2.0? Described below are some ideas on what are the key characteristics of Learning 2.0 and there value proposition to the business
There are a couple of key use cases where social collaboration and HR have particular synergies - firstly around employee onboarding or induction, and secondly around social learning. Onboarding is the most discrete example of the two, whereby organisations can accelerate and improve the time to effectiveness for an employee joining the organisation, by providing an explicit community-style environment where the new joiner can learn about his/her new role, find out more about the organisation and its culture and processes, and start to build a network of contacts throughout the organisation
You’ll be seeing a lot more about that in my column. #games #learning #social #productivity
For anyone working in social media and enterprise 2.0 here are a few books that I recommend reading: The New Social Learning: A Guide to Transforming Organizations Through Social Media by Tony Bingham, Marcia Conner, Daniel H
PST Social Learning and Employee Development Halelly Azulay will discuss the realities of employee development, leveraging social networking and media for learner-driven, learner-generated learning Jon Ferrara , CEO, Nimble Wednesday, March 21 – 10:00 a.m
Another crucial piece in this puzzle is in providing a platform to support social learning - helping employees to develop skills and experience in an informal, ongoing way, through interacting with colleagues, seeing what others are doing, and asking questions, for example. Social collaboration tools not only provide a platform for this interaction, but they often also include gamification features that can help to encourage social learning, while also helping to track employees' progress as they develop
Date: Thursday, December 3, 2020 Time: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET Learning Objectives: Outline ownership and control of content IP Identify best practices for SME to Global Organizations Discuss control of brand messaging Determine efficacy of content through Social Channels Speaker's Bio: Tinu Mathur is recognized as a global leader who is passionate about visual content and its efficacy
12-03-2020 | 12:00 - 13:00 ET
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