Over the past several months, I've been talking with customers and partner organizations about how they measure the success of their collaboration efforts today -- and am shocked at how much companies really understand about what is happening within their environments. Most collaboration deployments fail to adequately capture and measure data around their platform to better understand what people are using, where they are active, which processes or workloads or teams are more successful, and why they are successful
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One of the most difficult aspects of evangelizing collaboration tools and platforms is the slippery slope of defining business value...The most perfect collaboration platform in the world will be a failure if users do not adopt it
The idea was to help organizations identify patterns in their work, more readily share content and experience based on those patterns, and then automate business process management -- all in the name of improving collaboration. What we found, however, was that tightly structured collaboration was a tough sell -- both to end users, and to venture capitalists
It sounds counter-intuitive, doesn't it? To improve collaboration within your team or company, you need to improve end user abilities to personalize their experience
Getting the conditions right for viral adoption of social collaboration and November's No really, social collaboration is NOT a waste of time ), I discussed some of the key challenges associated with adoption and cultural change when improving collaboration
Dictionary.com does a better job of defining a disruptor -- or disruptive technology, as causing disorder or turmoil; destroying -- at least temporarily -- continuance or unity; or as breaking apart. Social collaboration technologies are often described as being disruptors in the enterprise, but do they really fit that definition?
Register today: Cloud Collaboration Strategies and Technologies. Register today: http://www.aiim.org/events/webinars/20120118-webinar Collaboration happens every day
One of the most frequent pieces of advice I offer to organisations considering a social collaboration initiative is to be clear why your organisation needs to be more collaborative . It's not enough for your goal to simply be "better collaboration", you need to unpick exactly what advantages better collaboration will bring you, and how these relate to your organisation's broader strategy
I'm all for the idea that a great way to get senior-level buy-in for (and drive momentum with) a social collaboration initiative is to find a handful of really good use cases which clearly demonstrate the value of a more open, networked approach to working
Such is the conversation around the latest social collaboration hype
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