So - what stops organizations from embracing Social BPM? Not understanding the opportunity cost of not embracing social BPM Perception that integration between systems is complex and costly Insight into both points will provide the perspective needed to understand if Social BPM is valuable for your organization
Today, as I stare at my BPMN diagrams, I ask myself, would BPM or a BPMS solve these concerns and I know they will not. It is therefore necessary to understand that BPM is not the single cure for all problems and that the management of a business is so much more than just processes. If you fail at your principles and ethics of business management, your BPM practice or BPM systems will also fail. Originally published in The Information Manager #socialbpm #BusinessProcessManagement #Collaboration #BPM #socialmedia
These courses complement our other offerings: SharePoint for ECM Capture Electronic Records Management ECM BPM So if you haven't taken an AIIM course, I invite you to take a look
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As I travel around the world meeting new people, discussing ECM, BPM and other related topics, it is interesting to watch reactions
In some cases, it might be a perfect fit and in others, for more complex environments, you may need a full BPM class product. In either case, assess, plan, select and implement is a good approach to using workflow so Yes Melissa, SharePoint does have workflow but what you really need to know, is whether it is appropriate for you
Here I am sitting in New York City preparing for the AIIM BPM Master class I will be delivering this week
#SharePoint #ElectronicRecordsManagement #BPM #socialmedia #ScanningandCapture #Records-Management #changemanagement #ECM
Bob Larrivee, Director and Industry Advisor – AIIM Email me: Follow me on Twitter – BobLarrivee #e-discovery #model #research #training #enterprise2.0 #imaging #getorganized #litigation #BPM #Office #Records-Management #paperlessoffice #AIIM #emailaddress #thenews #socialmedia #ecmsharepointgovernance #benefits #ERM #businesscase #documentmanagement #emailarchiving #SharePoint #ContentManagement #technology #ECM #Web Content Management #emailmanagement #E-mail
Bob Larrivee, Director and Industry Advisor – AIIM Email me: Follow me on Twitter – BobLarrivee #businesscase #Records-Management #getorganized #BPM #model #research #benefits #ECM #thenews #Office #ERM #e-discovery #emailarchiving #ContentManagement #AIIM #emailmanagement #sharepoint #paperlessoffice #documentmanagement #socialmedia #emailaddress #technology #SharePoint #enterprise2.0 #E-mail #imaging #training #Web Content Management #litigation
Bob Larrivee, Director and Industry Advisor – AIIM Email me: Follow me on Twitter – BobLarrivee #SharePoint #ERM #emailmanagement #litigation #emailaddress #model #socialmedia #thenews #research #Web Content Management #Office #imaging #technology #emailarchiving #paperlessoffice #training #businesscase #documentmanagement #getorganized #AIIM #Records-Management #sharepoint #e-discovery #benefits #enterprise2.0 #E-mail #ContentManagement #BPM #ECM
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