Today I’m going to turn to a domain that’s already well on its way to being E2.0: customer relationship management (CRM). Social CRM Unlike ACM and ECM, there’s already a thriving sub-discipline devoted to what happens when you apply E2.0 to SCM: social customer relationship management (SCRM)
I am pleased to announce that the Institute for Certified Records Managers (ICRM) has pre-approved the AIIM Social Business Virtual Event for 6.0 CRM maintenance program credits. The preapproval code is listed in the CRM Maintenance section of the ICRM's website ( ). Attendees who are CRMs can follow their normal process for entering pre-approval codes to get the credits
The track currently consists of eight sessions: Key Issues for Enterprise Information Management 2011 - Debra Logan, Gartner Records Management in the Social Media World: Aligning Strategy and Governance with Business Requirements - Dianne Kelley, Viacom How to Develop a Governance Policy for Facebook - Jesse Wilkins, CRM, AIIM How to Develop a Governance Policy for Twitter - Jesse Wilkins, CRM, AIIM How Mobile Devices will Transform Paper Processes - Bob Larrivee, AIIM How IT Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Facebook - Andrea Baker, AIIM
Also missing from her brief overview is any mention of social CRM , which, I believe, will become a more critical aspect of business as more and more customer interactions turn social
See my post on Microsoft and Skype -- This could be a good thing Yammer and Microsoft CRM -- this is the BIG WIN that Microsoft is seeking...Microsoft wants to go after the Social CRM (SCRM) space. Yammer will let them
My advice: ERP systems need to be thought of as ERCP systems: Enterprise Resource and Content Planning systems. CRM systems need to be thought of as CRCM systems: Customer Resource and Content Management SRM systems need to be thought of as SRCM systems: Supplier Resource and Content Management … ‘Systems of Engagement’ need to be thought of as integrated part of ‘Systems of Records’ in the Enterprises
The underlying technology of our ECM, ERP and CRM platforms are quickly incorporating the social fabric that permeates our information worker roles
This includes communications tools such as email or instant messaging, tools for creating content such as blogs or productivity tools, and also business applications such as CRM or ERP, for example
The company that can most accurately track this measurement -- and make it available via API to my CRM platform -- will find tremendous success, because the social marketing space is only just beginning to grow
He received a number of comments and pushed the discussion to the Social CRM Pioneers group on Google under the topic " Social Media Doesn't Scale "
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