” From the legal point of view voiced by John Isaza, obstacles to electronic record disposition are the exception and not the rule. A cursory survey of authorization and disposition requirements in Federal statutes and regulations and in all 50 states produced few requirements
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As the Records Manager, I still have to manage the retention and disposition of EVERYTHING, regardless of whether or not it came out of the “Declare it a Record” step
13 Comments - A comprehensive retention policy dictates disposition of all information, even the stuff that isn’t a record."
I’m worried that perhaps we aren’t spending enough time and effort considering historical value as we develop retention schedules and make disposition decisions
The best way to address this monster problem of over-retention is to break it into 2 more tractable sub-problems: day forward information disposition and historical information disposition
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Therefore, I need to have policies for both the record and non-record so that they are both dispositioned properly
So many users defected and redoubled their efforts at squirreling away messages and personal email archives, thus rendering disposition impossible. Other new problems arose because of new technologies – like the internet
Governance needs to address issues such as: what can / should be stored in the cloud service level agreements disaster recovery / business continuity security classification / categorization retention & disposition (thanks to @JamesLappin & @AlanPelzSharpe for bringing this up) Governance of cloud content has to deal with all of the things that we need to deal with for on-premises stored content, with the added complication that we also have to deal with where the damn box is and if some foreign government can get at it whenever they bloody well feel like it
I had no idea blogging would be so educational FOR ME. Putting an idea out there and getting input on it really forces you to refine your thinking. So, I am going to take this opportunity to revise my previous statement that “ Everything is a record ” as follows: Record or non...
16 Comments - Therefore the entire RM industry is moving from a back-end process that just deals with inactive, declared records to an information governance paradigm that deals with information throughout its lifecycle, from creation to final disposition. This changes the dynamic about how to implement RM as well
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