Is 2011 just another synonym for moving in your shop to SharePoint 2010? Have you been in stealth mode all along? Or have you put yourself on the line? That's right. Announced the move with a drumbeat of confidence. Fingers firmly crossed. Well, if you're still in pre-announce mode...
One of the slamdunkiest decisions I've made as an ECM manager is to hire summer interns. I trade on the attraction of my adopted industry (management consulting) to enlist the help of grateful and mostly gifted foreign nationals in the U.S. for the first time. Their eagerness to join forces...
In this Lenten season we shed our wintery garments for the faster step of a lighter spring, How light our step depends on how much baggage we're willing to haul to the next station. When it comes to those brimming cartons of virtual folders there is only one sure thing: the goal of driving...
What we value most about social networks isn't the number of friends, invites, reconnects, or diversions from the dullness of rote tasks. It's more basic that that. It's that we know where they stand -- they're either vibrant and flowing or they die. There are no static...
The lame duck Congress had just tackled an entire term's worth of legislation and I heard one pundit say "it's time to get out of the prediction business." It is amazing what a public shaming and self-preservation can accomplish together in such a short time. However, nothing fogs our crystal...
In a recent issue of Wired Magazine Kevin Kelly and Steven Johnson ruminate on Where Ideas Come From with a knowing glance towards the arc of innovation -- especially factors pushing on the cultural shifts needed to catch up to ideas ahead of their time -- trajectories triggering the...
At long last, SharePoint 2010 (SP 2010) hit and hit it a bit earlier than expected. However, for the lucky and determined, we have been digging into SharePoint long before it was officially released. Over the past few months, I’ve noticed a concerning trend and one that I hope to turn...
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