For companies that operate in international jurisdictions, it is vital to stay up-to-date on legislative actions that affect data retention policies and compliance. This allows companies to make internal adjustments as necessary and to avoid costly sanctions and other harmful penalties for non...
The China Syndrome is a hypothetical scenario, portrayed in the 1979 movie titled the China Syndrome, where an extreme nuclear meltdown occurs within a reactor and the molten core breaches the container melting its way through the crust and core of the earth. What does that have to do with...
Take a look at the news and you immediately see that the weather is creating problems for many individuals and companies. Employees cannot get to work due to ice, snow or whatever else nature has thrown in their paths. This is one area where improvement can and should be addressed leveraging...
I find myself reading an article this morning titled “ Court: No warrant needed to search cell phone ”, posted by Bob Sullivan on MSNBC’s the Red Tape Chronicles and wondering how ECM, ERM, content security and disposition would play into the scenario presented. In short, the story is about how...
Well here we are in 2011, not only a new year but a new decade and I wish for all of you, the very best for the future. The entering of a new year brings about many things. We hear resolutions being made and pundit predictions of all sorts ranging from the state of world affairs to technology....
Once upon a time, Melissa, while pondering the use of SharePoint, asked the question, “Does it have workflow?” Her teacher answered, “Since workflow, defined in your case as the ability to move information through an organization so that a series of activities can be performed to accomplish an...
One of the many things I have seen over the years, and often discuss in my classes, is the fact that organizations seek to purchase technology to solve an issue without knowing what they have in hand already. A business problem surfaces and the move is on to fix it. Someone sees something that...
These are five things you need to know in relation to converting your paper based information. When you begin the process of conversion to digital format, one of the comments I often hear is, “we will scan everything!” Wrong! This is not really a good approach unless there is some legal or...
When establishing an ECM environment, one of the key considerations is organizational behaviours. How the organization will function. This should be based on a core set of ECM principles and the vision to drive the development of new organisational behaviours after the project has been...
We have heard this before, probably as children. In days past, grandparents might be heard to say, “Children should be seen but not heard”, especially around adults who are trying to have an adult conversation. Basically the message was do not interrupt. Part of this statement – seen but not...
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