Our CEO, Dean Tang, recently spoke at the Mobile Computing Summit, so I'd like to welcome him to the AIIM Community Blog to discuss ABBYY’s perceptions of the event. Guest Post by Dean Tang, CEO, ABBYY USA With the development in technology of smartphones, tablets, netbooks, and laptops, we have entered a time where enterprises are putting an emphasis on mobile computing. This is a time of rapid change and adoption, and because of the constant evolution, there is still uncertainty on the specific role of mobile computing in the enterprise
Join us on September 22 from 11-Noon EST for a tweet jam focused on how we can create a paperless office; including some discussion on whether or not mobile devices are a huge step in that direction. If you "went" to the last one, you know how this works, here are the questions....
Applications that were previously not possible can now be offered very cost effectively. Now that cloud computing has entered the enterprise arena, companies can purchase server capacity when they need it without building their own server farm – helping them to focus their resources and reduce costs
Daniel O'Leary received AIIM's Distinguished Service Award in 2011. I've also been fortunate enough to have him as a regular blogger in this community. I caught up with Dan via email to ask him some questions about the industry, his thoughts on AIIM, and some questions just for fun. Q: ...
From banking and healthcare, to mobile capture and cloud computing, there was no shortage of information presented
One thing I think everyone at the show can agree on is that mobile capture and cloud computing are the future of the data capture industry. What we did As the sponsor for info360’s mobile content management track , mobile capture and cloud computing were central to my breakout speaking sessions at info360, as well as ITEX
Whether it is outsourcing OCR to enable the digitization of paper, using mobile capture on the frontlines of battle, or utilizing cloud computing to share documents, from a technology standpoint, any way to reduce the amount of paperwork can help the agencies deliver services faster to those in need
An information professional could be an IT professional tasked with managing customer data or Web content; a records manager responsible for ensuring information management compliance in an era or social, mobile and cloud computing; or a consultant responsible for implementing collaboration and content management solutions
We have already several experts willing to help us on a number of topics, but would like some more experts for the below topics for an in-person workshop in Baltimore Tuesday, May 3, through Thursday, May 5; Digital Rights Management Mobile applications Text analytics Business intelligence Cloud computing Telecommuting support E-discovery Email archiving Security Those who participate in development of the examination will be allowed to take the certification exam at no cost
I’ll address what is happening within the capture market and provide feedback on what is going on, especially in the mobile capture and cloud computing industries. I’ll provide you with information on what’s happening on a day-to-day basis, reflect on what is working, and concentrate on the issues customers are facing
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