The intimidating thing about studying for the CIP is the new knowledge I am acquiring and hoping that even though I don't have those skills I'll still be able to apply them to the exam
Understanding Operating in the Hybrid Cloud - EPC Group Case Study This blog post will provide "from the consulting trenches" ( Hybrid Cloud ) strategies and granular details of EPC Group’s approach to the new Hybrid Office 365 and/or SharePoint 2013 architecture's growing proliferation and how it may affect your organization
This is simply not true according to a study by the Ponemon Institute (a leading data security institute based in Traverse City, MI). Their research on the security of paper documents is very enlightening and should be required reading, particularly if you believe paper documents are more secure. Their study is located here
See matching posts in thread - POPS: a digital transformation case stud...
This was one recent finding from the study, “Forms Processing – user experiences of text and handwriting recognition”, which determined that most organizations forgo cost-saving automated recognition of handprint or cursive content in favor of manual entry, or simply don’t capture the data. The study, from Parascript and AIIM, can be downloaded at . Specific findings from the study highlight the opportunity for organizations to better capture content from forms
Competitive companies continuously improve the quality of customer experiences. Well-researched studies by leading industry analysts support the need for organizations to implement innovative customer engagement systems and best practices that challenge the status quo.[4] In Six Digital Disruptions Rocking Marketers’ Worlds [5], Gartner refers to traditional engagement strategies as a “linear funnel metaphor” that has become a thing of the past
Looking specifically at the data, the first three aspects of the study look at policies and procedures and the information architecture/taxonomy...A majority of the firms participating in the study to date have robust document archival capabilities
Recently I've enjoyed reading two studies on cloud computing
Our good friends at AIIM this week released a new Industry Watch study that digs into how well users believe SharePoint is meeting their expectations in the context of enterprise content management (ECM)
Section Six addresses lessons learned and Section Seven offers ideas on Communities of Practice. Part Three: Case studies Part Three highlights two case studies: knowledge sharing and collaboration at MTR and knowledge and expertise transfer at Airbus
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