In a three-part post we will take a look at the vital role of metrics in monitoring the performance of your RM program and demonstrating the ROI of your electronic records management system. It has always been a challenge for records and information management (RIM) professionals to...
If you want to successfully implement SharePoint in your organization, then you need to clearly define and manage your information architecture (IA). There are a number of things you need to do to define your SharePoint IA and here are five critical steps to ensure you are on the right track. ...
This time, the title is actually a question, and it’s one that we are dealing with right now. We have resolved the issue, but I’m not sure that we fully understand the subject. We resolved it the way companies often resolve things, we played it safe. If you have read either...
How do you spell I.P.? IP is a system problem if you're steeped in process. There are all kinds of hard stops and high boundaries for containing what the organization knows in order to perpetuate its revenue streams. Some say it's over-architected and constraining. Others...
""What a seamless integration with SharePoint..." "It's really, really fast (duh)..." "See those Refiners on the left? That tells you who edited what file format and when -- coooolness." These are some of the superlatives...
Is 2011 just another synonym for moving in your shop to SharePoint 2010? Have you been in stealth mode all along? Or have you put yourself on the line? That's right. Announced the move with a drumbeat of confidence. Fingers firmly crossed. Well, if you're still in pre-announce mode...
One of the slamdunkiest decisions I've made as an ECM manager is to hire summer interns. I trade on the attraction of my adopted industry (management consulting) to enlist the help of grateful and mostly gifted foreign nationals in the U.S. for the first time. Their eagerness to join forces...
Maintaining a central term store has obvious advantages, but using that term store for your User Profile Service (and hence the data in your My Sites) isn't exactly straight forward. The basic steps are 1. Make sure the User Profile Service is running correctly on the consuming farm....
In a recent issue of Wired Magazine Kevin Kelly and Steven Johnson ruminate on Where Ideas Come From with a knowing glance towards the arc of innovation -- especially factors pushing on the cultural shifts needed to catch up to ideas ahead of their time -- trajectories triggering the...
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