Create a connection to the Managed Metadata Service. You can do this by following these instructions (replacing the User Profile Service with Managed Metadata Service in the instructions) 3. After you have created a connection, go ahead and create a Managed Metadata Service Application on the consuming farm
Others say it's the only sane way to engineer, track, and deploy services to the same standards as cycle-time development and supply chains
But some of the backslapping sounds hollow -- the same Microsoft ECM services binging from the same punch bowl for SharePoint
The biggest quantum leapfrogs in Clark's estimation are persistent linking (each content object generates its own unique ID) and the co-habitation of folksonomies and controlled vocabularies as part of Managed Metadata Services ("MMS")
Late last week, one of SharePoint’s awesome capabilities rose in front of us as a major obstacle – Managed Metadata. I won’t bore you with the gory details, but we wanted to copy the managed metadata terms from our collaborative document space along with the final PDF as we placed it in our Records Library. Copying managed metadata in a SharePoint Designer workflow is not easy
In a densely layered metadata environment the transfer is less a migration than a transplant
We told you that there are a number of elements that make up your SharePoint IA (link back to first article), including: Sites and Site Collection Structures Content Modeling and Content Type Definitions Metadata Schemas and Taxonomy Management Search Integration Managed Administration You say, that’s great
Is 2011 just another synonym for moving in your shop to SharePoint 2010? Have you been in stealth mode all along? Or have you put yourself on the line? That's right. Announced the move with a drumbeat of confidence. Fingers firmly crossed. Well, if you're still in pre-announce mode...
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