In a recent blog post, we looked at several important legal considerations when storing records in the cloud . These included the question of whether electronic formats would be legally accepted as records, and also the critical issue of retaining legal control over your records in a cloud scenario
It’s hard enough for end users to find content in a timely manner, never mind dispose of it in the normal course of business
In the context of electronic records, cloud storage offers equal measures of potential and pitfall. Initially, the idea that your electronic records will be stored off site in a virtual environment made up of networked computers takes a bit of getting used to. Once the concept is familiar, the appeal of storing records in the cloud becomes clear
***The views expressed in this article are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer*** I recently had some thoughts as to why we "do" Records Management. I have been a practising Records Manager for some time now and I thought it would be useful to "go back to my roots" to validate my thoughts as to why we do Records Management and what key matters/steps should we consider
I just listened to a great webcast with AIIM's Theresa Resek talking to Microsoft about their use of SharePoint for Records Management...He said that he doesn’t think of records and just records
One of the key themes of the AIIM Social Business Virtual Event on September 8 is governance - in fact we've built an entire track around it
Different regulations dictate that records are kept for defined periods of time
2 Comments - The CONTENT OBESITY for me is not different for the BIG DATA, we are growing because of the exceeds of duplicated CONTENT and duplicated SOURCES
And while the majority of e-communications remain e-mail, the bigger concern is all of the “chatter” that results from the various forms of social computing now available to its employees – most of which is generated, viewed, or updated outside of the firm’s firewall on various hosted services and web sites
Really sure? Can I produce records if compelled by a court of law?...And to consider this content for what it is ... The Lifeblood of the business
These provide general information and examples: - ECM Usage Patterns and Packages - The 6 Most Common ECM Usage Patterns and Packages - Examples of ECM Usage Patterns and Solution Packages These focus on usage patterns for pharma and life sciences: - ECM Usage Patterns in Life Sciences - Collaborative and Managed DM Solution Patterns in Life Sciences And this one focuses on Legal Document Management: - How Different is Legal Document Management?
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