Over the past few years, we have focused quite a bit on how to control electronic content. Many organizations have purchased robust e-discovery, email archive and document management solutions, hoping to #ControltheChaos. However, it hasn’t worked and quite frankly the situation has just gotten worse. Now, many organizations are facing an information explosion of content across multiple repositories, including electronic contents evil twin, physical content. That’s right paper documents still exist and continue to grow at a rapid rate! It’s hard enough for end users to find content in a timely manner, never mind dispose of it in the normal course of business. So how can we #ControltheChaos?
The answer is ….. Records Management Software!
Top 5 Key “Must Have” Records Management Software Features
Integrated View of both physical and electronic content in one interface. Users want access to all information important to them at their fingertips. They should not have to waste time searching through multiple repositories to try and find the information important to them.
Tracking & Auditing enables organizations to know the entire chain of custody process for a specific piece of content. Where the content is located, Who viewed the content, When the content is edited, etc. It’s GPS for Records Management.
Security Access & Control enables organizations to restrict specific users from accessing specific content. This feature is crucial when complying with ethical wall obligations. It protects the integrity of the content and associated metadata.
Defensible Disposition & Legal Holds enables organizations to dispose of content when it has satisfied its retention requirements in the normal course of business. Should a lawsuit arise, the retention period can be suspended to insure the content is not destroyed. The disposition process is completely automated. Organizations import its document retention schedule into a workflow and rely on the software to do the rest. When a piece of content is eligible for disposition, the Records Manager (or appointed equivalent) will receive an email alert prompting them to take action.
Easy To Use & Configure enables organizations to easily customize the software to fit their unique needs and requirements. For example, organizations should not be limited on the amount of categories and/or fields available for use. Users should not have to contact the “Help Desk” to make minor changes; the software should be easy enough for the user to configure. Software needs to be both easy on the eyes and highly configurable adapting to any environment.
As discussed, Records Management software can indeed help organizations #ControltheChaos. No other software product can manage, control and defensibly dispose of content better. It plain and simply gets the job done!
#disposition #Records-Management #ElectronicRecordsManagement #ERM #Security #infochaos #FileTrail #legalhold