I am pleased to announce that the Information Certification is available as of today, September 23, 2011
As we prepare for the launch of the Information Certification I thought I'd share some background on where we are and how we got here...We first offered a certificate program, the ECM Practitioner, in 2002
More than 20,000 professionals have attended the AIIM Certificate Programs covering various aspects of content, records and process management, and the certificate programs provide you with a thorough understanding of a specific topic. AIIM is now taking the bold step of introducing a new information management certification for IT and information professionals
Over the last few months I have had dozens of conversations about the Information Certification. The topic that seems to come up most frequently is whether it was designed to compete with the Certified Records Manager from the ICRM and ARMA, or the CompTIA CDIA+, or [insert specific certification here]. Let me share my perspective as a holder of all three certifications and several others and from having been intimately involved with the development of the Information Certification from the start. It is true that the Information Certification is competitive in the sense that individuals and organizations only have so much money to spend on these types of activities
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We have already several experts willing to help us on a number of topics, but would like some more experts for the below topics for an in-person workshop in Baltimore Tuesday, May 3, through Thursday, May 5; Digital Rights Management Mobile applications Text analytics Business intelligence Cloud computing Telecommuting support E-discovery Email archiving Security Those who participate in development of the examination will be allowed to take the certification exam at no cost. Participants and their organizations will also receive recognition on the AIIM website for their role in helping to shape the inaugural AIIM information management certification. Subject matter experts (SMEs) will be compensated $300 a day for participation at the workshop for travel expenses and accommodations
AIIM is now taking the bold step of introducing a new information management certification for IT and information professionals, and I have below tried to describe the objectives of this new certification
As I have discussed in previous posts, one of the most common questions I get about the Information Certification is, "Does the Information Certification compete with [insert credential here]?" This is especially true for three credentials today: the CompTIA CDIA+ certification, the AIIM Certificate Programs, and the Institute for Certified Records Managers' Certified Records Manager (CRM) certification
One of the key differentiators between a formal certification and other types of activities like certificate programs is the requirement to recertify. This requirement can generally be filled in one of two ways: either the certified professional can take the then-current exam periodically (which presumably is being updated regularly), or the professional can do continuing education in the areas covered by the exam. Most certifications offer a framework for continuing education and the Certified Information Professional (CIP) is no different
Credentials go beyond degreed programs to include certifications and other competencies often verified by testing. Both sides of the job market have obstacles that certifications help overcome
Temisan holds an MBA, PMP, and multiple certifications. He is also the Director of Mentorships for the PMI Ottawa Valley Outaouais Chapter in Ottawa, ON, Canada...Please complete the CIP Certification Maintenance Form here
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