No, social media governance is not an oxymoron. But governance for social is different in some ways from how we've approached it with other types of information
A common mistake in social media governance is having a policy for the different types of social media instead of being broad enough to cover all platforms in one policy...Social media use is growing
I had an interesting discussion last week about social media and governance
2 Comments - As IT Director for a Media Monitoring (Print/TV/Social) company I can simply say that a "ride" together with the user could be an option too. An introduction of a Social Media Policy for employees is a good step into this direction from my point of view
I am pleased to announce that AIIM has just introduced the AIIM Social Media Governance Practitioner course. This course covers the processes, roles and responsibilities, and instruments required to successfully bring social media into the organization's governance framework for compliance, legal and regulatory requirements, and best practices for information management
In my last post I talked about some of the unique considerations social media brings to governance generally and policies in particular. So let me start with the point that an organization may not need a social media policy at all
But in 2012 too many organizations still don't have policies that address social media in any meaningful way. And those that do often have draconian policies that simply pick up where policies on other types of information leave off without taking into consideration certain unique aspects of social media. In the first place, most social media tools are not implemented on premises in the organization's data center
Deployment and use of social media are the basis of the model Enterprise 2.0, which also was the subject of many publications some of which were relayed on this blog
At the upcoming AIIM social business virtual conference , I am delivering two sessions on developing a social media policy for Facebook and Twitter
But the plumbing is no different for social business systems than it is for big data Facebook...So why too does the argument to justify social business?...Ownership : Building a social network is not a group thing
One of the participants reached out recently with an interesting question: How does taxonomy improve social collaboration?
1 Comment - no search term matches found in comments.
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