>>> The IBT International Business Track @ DMS EXPO, Stuttgart, Thursday, Sep. 29th, 2013 | Videos & Slides | Free download <<< The IBT@DMSEXPO provided an insight into the international trends of Enterprise Information Management. Well known analysts, industry...
The signs are unmistakable. Tagging is how we keep our priorities straight and even how we define the contours of our online profiles. Labeling the buckets is finally out of the shadows. These are not closet organizers. These are our virtual neighbors who don’t manage information for a living....
If I had the keys to the castle, just released Microsoft Surface and wanted to bloody the nose of Apple… and by the way, in a hand full of months was about to release the next wave of SharePoint (one of the most installed and powerful Corporate Software Platforms \ ecosytems of all time)… What...
The future of information capture will go far beyond the traditional Enterprise Content Management (ECM) perspective of scanning paper and importing documents that were born digital . The future of Capture will span every data stream you touch and the every stream that touches you. ...
This is not a political post! It's an analogy... so·cial·ism noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\ 1 : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property 2 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism...
I was talking the other day about how, when given the choice, your users will likely save their content to their local hard drive or their shared drive instead of SharePoint without some form or user adoption plan (with messaging on importance of saving to SP) and/or training. It got me thinking...
What does that mean, multi-dimensional thinking? It really depends on your perspective and role in an organization. When we talk about design and development organizations, multi-dimensional might mean creating 3D models using the newest 3D printers. (That’s right; you can now print 3...
The current state of SharePoint looks something like this: In 2009 SharePoint was over a $1 billion dollar business, and we suspect that with its current massive growth it is rapidly nearing $2 billion in yearly revenue. 200M CAL’s 200K Servers $2B in...
Document capture is not cool. It’s not modern, and frankly the amount of effort needed to be successful is just aggravating. But document capture is necessary and extremely valuable. The more we want technology, the more we need to bridge the gap between that cool new technology and...
It’s not that I don’t like e-mail. I do believe it’ll still have its place, together with the typewriter, vinyl record and the Walkman. Ok, that may sound a little too extreme for some. Maybe a more realistic assessment is to compare the future of e-mail with our home address or our telephone...
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