Information governance (IG) is all the rules, regulations, legislation, standards, and policies with which organizations need to comply when they create, share, and use information. Governance is mandated internally and externally. ( PHIGs IMC Inc – 2014 ) The above graphic,...
Yesterday (May 30, 2016) I read this article which contends that Box, Dropbox, and others are not content management platforms. I was considering not linking to the article and just putting up screen shots of the main points, but I decided on the link instead. The article is nothing but FUD ...
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When Gartner came out with their Magic Quadrant for Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) back in July 2014 I laughed a little because I find the idea of an EFSS market, well, laughable. Yes, I know they put in a whole bunch of stuff about what could or should be part of the market, but boiled...
You’re out of your mind if you think blocking access to file sharing services is filling a security gap. You’re out of your mind if you think making people jump through hoops like Citrix and VPNs to get at content is secure. You’re out of your mind if you think putting stuff in the cloud is...
Helping users find electronic records is big challenge, regardless of whether those records are stored on a shared drive, in the cloud, or in an electronic document and records management system (EDRMS). Since there are a number of different ways users can find electronic records, we thought...
In June, Bloomberg published a story that put the blame for a hospital patient’s death squarely on electronic medical records (EMR). When it appeared that Dr. Scot Silverstein’s 84-year-old mother was having a stroke, she was admitted to the hospital. Checking her...
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Long before we decided to use SharePoint for document management, we knew that there would be some benefit in being able to figure out what was in a document without having to open it. Unfortunately, since we started creating our particular digital landfill back in 1988, we had to be very...
Bringing in any new system or solution to address business needs is always a tricky task. This TechTalk blog, written by Jonathan Matcho, director of SharePoint Solutions at Sitrof Technologies, addresses what IT directors need to know if their team is looking to implement a SharePoint strategy....
In this AIIM13 Q&A, we talk about how to say “no” to the Department of No; how the workplace is changing because of BYOD (and bring your own cloud); what's next in enterprise content management; and a projection that private clouds are going to be big in 2013. If you want to know more...
Document sharing is the lifeblood of many organizations. Financial advisors, accountants, physicians, attorneys and more depend on the speedy delivery and receipt of information. Of course, the documents generated by such businesses – financial statements, patient records, personal...
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