If I were to start an enterprise software company today, I’d give the licenses away. No, I am not thinking about open source at all. I’m thinking about services, non-core functionality, and integration. I’ll stick to Enterprise Content Management software, but the principles...
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I am certainly not the first to make the statement that titles this post but I did want to point out that in the world of Enterprise Information Management (EIM) there is no more true statement, and we all know it. This idea that the experience is everything really came home to me with a quote...
Last week on a different blog, I talked about how we are using SharePoint to manage the voting for a Holiday Door Decorating contest in our office. Marc D. Anderson commented that: “This is one of those fun little applications that I could get totally lost in. It would be an...
I went to Information Today's Enterprise Search Summit last week in New York City. This year's edition featured a buzz-rattling shout-out to Big Data. Big D sat on the sidelines despite the excess ballroom capacity under the enterprise search tent. It was hard to separate the ...
I am seeing a change in the way CMS solutions are being conceptualized and are being implemented. Some of the key observations from my experiences with customers, partners and consumers: CIO (IT) and CMO (Marketing) organizations are conceptualizing the needs (not necessarily the...
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File this under "when a good idea goes bad": The scenario involves the selection of a college for my son, a graduating high school senior. He's the third of my children to travel down this path, and it is interesting indeed to see how the advancement of the technologies...
Next week I will be giving a presentation at the AIIM Conference titled “Four Fried Chickens and a Coke.” If you are too young to get the reference, find a way to watch The Blues Brothers and think about the mission. Not the music, the jokes, the slapstick comedy done with cars and...
My friend, and all-around SharePoint Whiz kid Marc Anderson inspired this blog post with a simple tweet “ Form, then function? Or function, then form? Discuss .” My reply: “ Recent convert to the idea that function requires form #notEitherOr #UX” I’m not going to...
Here is my personal social media dashboard: What makes this more interesting, is that I monitor this for fun . Yep, you read that right. Around the office, I’m known as a social media junkie. In fact during a recent fire alarm, I was told to “evacuate before...
Social media, with over one billion monthly active visitors, has become an obvious choice for enterprises when it comes to brand promotion and customer engagement. With an exposure to such a huge user base, banking institutions (especially retail banks) from all around the world are trying their...
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