One thing I have heard over and over in this industry is that the technology is in place but the situation is still no better than it was. Findability of information is still a major challenge and concern even when search engines are used. Many of my students cite that their organization had/has...
Call these “Social-enabled ECM applications”. Part 3: Pick the Right Social-Enabled ECM Applications So the next question is: Which “Social-enabled ECM Applications” should you pursue?
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Smart phones now feature larger and more responsive touch screens, and camera capabilities are becoming the norm. Applications that were previously not possible can now be offered very cost effectively
If they use Google or other web search engines for mission-critical applications such as e-discovery, intelligence, security and law enforcement investigations, it should be clear that there are serious limitations that will affect the quality and defensibility of your work
Whether we talk about Systems of Engagement, collaboration, next generation intranets or Enterprise 2.0, organizations are recognizing the growth of social business applications. New forms of micro or componentized content are being used inside enterprise
For that reason, you should always look at capture applications as part of your broader tablet initiatives since the ROI is so easy to prove
· Application Pools on the web application servers should be recycled at least once during off hours...Test deployment area to test applications changes
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Can the Enterprise Search application “read”, or parse, the data/content you have?...You need a way that your Search application can connect to all of the different “sources&rdquo
It allows records managers to automatically prepare content for records management in certified RM platforms by aligning controlled vocabularies to records retention codes and automatically declaring documents of record in SharePoint via the automatic application of records retention code metadata
There is definitely a difference between low quality and high quality metadata, but is metadata truth achievable so it provides a consistent understanding across applications that use metadata to define the context and knowledge of the asset? Can metadata be accurate if used across multiple applications? Can one go overboard on metadata to document every possible use scenario?
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