For example: when should you bring in the end users for their perspective on your SharePoint strategy? Nobody disagrees (I think) with the idea of involving end users in the process, but the question stands: when is the right time?
There's been an interesting theme running through the blogs and Twitter conversations of late identifying a shift, perhaps, of content and focus around the SharePoint platform, moving from IT Pro and Developer-centric to Business User-centric. Is this an intentional shift, a natural progression, or both?
How many times have we talked and written about making the User the center of attention when implementing a new technology?
The vast majority of day-to-day SharePoint stories are about us, the business users. So why are the majority of SharePoint deployments initiated by IT or engineering without the voice of the business users?
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I recently was speaking with a SharePoint user who told me one of the biggest challenges she faces with her deployment is that users don't want to use the system, and they prefer their old ways...") When engaging new users, make things fun!
If you look at the overall budget to implement a best practices SharePoint 2013 or 2010 implementation, is 5% of it around driving end users to actually use SharePoint?
One of my favorite questions is: by show of hands, does anyone have an end user adoption issue?...They are all great if they are what help get your end users to connect and adopt and engage
I have since overseen the implementation of multi-million dollar systems that included thousands of users. How times have changed
The point is that this vendor through about how their users would actually take advantage of a mobile app to be used in conjunction with their platform, and they focused on the use cases that made the most sense, thus extending their platform and improving the user experience
" Rajat Paharia, founder of Bunchball (via Gamification is a fascinating topic amongst collaboration and intranet specialists, as it promises to help solve some issues surrounding end user adoption and engagement -- a critical factor in the success of any collaboration platform
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