In this age of email and file sharing, you would think most document security issues would be caused by breaches in an electronic document management system. This is simply not true according to a study by the Ponemon Institute (a leading data security institute based in Traverse City, MI)
I find myself reading an article this morning titled “ Court: No warrant needed to search cell phone ”, posted by Bob Sullivan on MSNBC’s the Red Tape Chronicles and wondering how ECM, ERM, content security and disposition would play into the scenario presented
Lessons learned: Companies’ investments in paperless delivery often end up unused due to security concerns
The need for security by government agencies, public corporations and private business is underscored by recent document leaks and what can happen when sensitive documents are freely distributed by unauthorized parties
My wife and I saw the movie Argo last night as part of our run-up to the Oscars this weekend, and I couldn't help but be struck by one scene that perfectly framed the old argument over the relative security of paper vs. electronic documents
Factors such as cost, convenience, and security may be considered when a company is deciding whether they will convert to paperless or stick with their original form of document management. 3 reasons companies are choosing digital over paper: Cost Effectiveness On average, a cartridge of printer ink costs between $20 to $35 each
Enterprise systems Enterprise document management systems – systems for which you buy paperless office software to add to your own system and infrastructure – are ideal for small and mid-sized firms that have in-house IT support and back-up servers to provide an extra level of security. They’re also a good fit for those firms that aren’t quite comfortable with storing their sensitive data on the cloud – and for those that are waiting to see how effective cloud-based security systems really are. If you’re the kind of person who waits until a manufacturer puts out a second generation of any given product (think Apple’s iPhone) so that they can iron out the wrinkles, you’re probably playing a game of wait-and-see with how the cloud performs when faced with potential security breaches. So, in the meantime, an enterprise paperless office system, like SAFE , that you can maintain on your site might be your best option
It provides only basic functions, like login security, but does not offer any document management related functions such as version control, check in/out, workflow, etc
Shared Services for Capture provides many benefits like: Ability to share and allocate costs Creating a team of document capture specialists Taking advantage of economies of scale Implementing consistent operating procedures, quality control and security So, is the resurgence of Shared Services for capture a new trend or just part of the normal centralize-decentralize cycle that businesses seem to go through regularly
Paperless businesses improve the security of documents, while increasing office efficiency
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