Do organizations require pre-approval prior to destruction or deletion of records whose retention periods have expired and for which there are no legal or tax holds?
1 Comment - no search term matches found in comments.
For more than half of the respondents, a pre-approval process for electronic records stored off-site or in the cloud was not applicable. 4. Does your company require pre-approval for deletion of electronic records stored off-site?
Depending on whom you ask, there may be obstacles for disposing of electronic content. Research on the RM perspective discussed earlier suggests that most RM professionals expect to apply the collaborative pre-approval process they use for disposing of physical records in boxes stored off-site to electronic records
3 Comments - It provides a practical perspective on why the volume of inactive electronic information is so high and a method for performing a risk analysis to get rid of ROT (redundant, obsolete and trivial) information
The challenge applies to records in all media, but I’ll focus on electronic records for the purpose of this ERM blog
In a recent blog post, we looked at several important legal considerations when storing records in the cloud . These included the question of whether electronic formats would be legally accepted as records, and also the critical issue of retaining legal control over your records in a cloud scenario
For as much as good RIM is about retaining information to meet compliance obligations, to facilitate productivity and to generate competitive advantage, it’s also about disposing of records, non-records and other transitory bits and bytes in a timely manner to reduce risk, free up storage space and keep people from having to trip over it on their search for information of value
Now, many organizations are facing an information explosion of content across multiple repositories, including electronic contents evil twin, physical content
Over the last couple of days I’ve seen/heard some comments that Big Buckets don’t work well in Records Management
The laws and regulations vary, but generally there are provisions that permit the destruction of paper documents if the electronic document is properly “cared for” (lots of lower-level details here, so I’ve intentionally chosen the term “cared for” so as not to be more specific)
Is it ever going to be possible to manage emails as records? I’m beginning to wonder. There are at least five viewpoints regarding the purpose, value, threat and burden of email, each with its own set of concerns, parameters and possible solutions
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