Previous posts: SharePoint Productivity: Apps Aren’t Just for Smart Phones ) Many businesses today are implementing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms worldwide to help standardize and track sales progress and productivity
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In the first two posts, I looked at advanced (or adaptive) case management (ACM) and enterprise content management (ECM). Today I’m going to turn to a domain that’s already well on its way to being E2.0: customer relationship management (CRM). Social CRM Unlike ACM and ECM, there’s already a thriving sub-discipline devoted to what happens when you apply E2.0 to SCM: social customer relationship management (SCRM)
One specific example is the emergence of Adaptive Case Management (also referred to as Dynamic Case Management or Smart Process Applications)
Still it wouldn't be a bad idea to embrace the business-facing view of us Microsoft shops and not pretend the relationship can be rebooted one browser at a time
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I’ll stick to Enterprise Content Management software, but the principles are applicable to any enterprise grade platforms or suites (we can debate what “enterprise” means until the cows come home to roost, but not here or now)
5 Comments - The only caveat I would add is that the commodity here is the repository only ("little ECM") and not necessarily the whole platform ("big ECM") with Analytics, DAM, WCM, Case management, etc, etc. These "extended service" areas of ECM is where the vendors differentiate, and if you try to commoditise that part, then the whole industry will collapse by starving R&D
The Framework for Alerts and Notifications The alerts and notifications framework has eight elements: Event Management , Profiles and Preferences , Rules Management , Process and Policy Management , Delivery Management , Message/Template Management , Archive , and Compliance Administration
One area our peers in the information management industry often overlook is profile and preference content. Essentially, profiles and preferences are the amalgamation of user-supplied and system-generated data that is used in the management of electronic communications between a supplier and its customers
Historically, the records management folks dealt with paper, and now electronic documents, while the database folks dealt with the transactional systems
To put my fervent hot and cold SharePoint spells in perspective, McKinsey Management Consulting recently published a thought piece entitled: Seven Steps to Better Brainstorming . In it authors Kevin and Shawn Coyne argue the case to bake in the constraints of creative problem-solving before the group holes up in some windowless bunker retreat: A bank we know wasted a full day’s worth of brainstorming because the session’s best ideas all required changing IT systems. Yet senior management—unbeknownst to the workshop planners—had recently “locked down” the IT agenda for the next 18 months
On the other hand, I bought a password management app for my iPad last year from a company that (apparently) was working the mobile app market only
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