What does all this have to do with customer experience today, you may ask?
Digital marketers and customer experience advocates may, on occasion, forget the basics. The Web Engagement / Customer Engagement / Customer Experience advocates championing WEM, CEM or CXM as the next buzzword may be at risk of entering an echo chamber
Joe Pine and Jim Gilmore coined the term “experience economy”[1] to describe how improved customer experience yields sustainable growth, high value repeat business, and enduring customer loyalty
Hopefully this creates an amazing customer experience and triages easy to fix problems
Next week I will be giving a presentation at the AIIM Conference titled “Four Fried Chickens and a Coke.” If you are too young to get the reference, find a way to watch The Blues Brothers and think about the mission. Not the music, the jokes, the slapstick comedy done with cars and...
I am sure that my experience has given me a certain insight, and I rely on that insight when I decide what technologies our company should use
Where Should You Start with Alerts and Notifications? In our experience, it’s best to narrow your attention to focus your resources on just a few opportunities first
A convenient portal enhances online experience A customer portal is a company’s virtual employee that represents this company and its products for its target audience. To succeed in it and contribute to customer retention, the portal should create online experience with convenient navigation and usage, which, in its turn, rests on the following: Strong search functionality based on multiple filters and transparent structure of the portal with the logical organization of internal processes allow the customer to easily browse the portal and find the needed products
If the trend shows the number of cases is going down, this can mean that customer experience is improving, or that support reps are reluctant to log all of their support cases
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That doubt swells to a gnawing denial when terms like 'enterprise' and 'legacy' or 'portfolio' or (heaven forbid) 'SharePoint' are absent from the Office 365 brand, if not experience. Sometimes it's hard to know whose horizon-gazing is more realistic -- the Microsoft visionaries who want to bring the virtues of the commercial internet world we leverage beyond our VPNs or the incrementalists manning the change controls in our organizations
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