Today using HTML5 and CSS 3 it is relatively easy (using CSS media queries for example), to modify the presentation of an HTML page so that it looks and feels nice on different devices or screen sizes
Put in the following style <style> .ms-viewheadertr ( DISPLAY: none ) .s4-itm-cbx(DISPLAY: none) .ms-cui-tabBody(DISPLAY: none) </style> 3. Add a content editor web part to the page you want to look "clean" 4
Embedding fonts is also now possible in CSS 3. One area where PDF file are actually a nuisance is on smaller screen mobile devices
15 Comments - Most PDF producers just do not know enough about PDF and Adobe Acrobat to make their PDF efficient for today's uses. I still get 5M 3 page PDFs from customers, or PDFs that are untagged for reflowing on mobile devices
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