Some of the key observations from my experiences with customers, partners and consumers: CIO (IT) and CMO (Marketing) organizations are conceptualizing the needs (not necessarily the solution) together
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I even recently wrote an article for CMS Wire on how SharePoint could be a useful part of Information Management if we take it as it is, not as the marketing dictates
I’m also not even sure that ECM really exists other than as some ephemeral (in the grand scheme of things) concept and marketing bumpf. What I am sure about, brothers and sisters, is that organizations are sitting on butt-loads of information in various forms, formats, states of structuredness, and states of currency
One of the best parts of participating in the Executive Leadership Council (ELC) sessions is the opportunity to discuss big ideas and, let's be honest -- to also dig into rumor and speculation about what we'll see in the near (and distant) future from the major platform and OEM players that make...
1 Comment - The social discussion will get more unified as companies realize "social" isn't just something for the marketing department Twitter account intern to do. The line between internal and external social will get thinner and the marketing departments will be positioned to drive ESN's internally for several reasons #1 being internal crowdsourcing SME's for marketing content to support external campaigns. Hopefully this means another recognition on senior management's part that social media as a marketing play also represents a massive marketing intelligence opportunity - which isn't something left in the hands of a low pay intern
AIIM’s intimate and educational sessions focus on these 4 essential elements: - Automation - minimizing paper and manual processes in core backend activities (finance, HR, sales, marketing) - Collaboration - moving beyond email and shared drives to tools and techniques that foster innovation and knowledge share - Communication - using social technologies to better find and engage customers - Mitigation - managing information assets against risk and legal costs in this era of social business Make sure to check out what a recent attendee said about his seminar experience
In addition, he built Documentum's marketing and professional services organizations in Europe
The key to overcoming these varying degrees of marginalization can be found in one word: marketing . If you’re a professional in any of these arenas, you have to start making your value known lest the shadows you live in grow ever darker
Consider the use of BPM to automate the creation, review and release of marketing and sales materials to internal and external resources
We had already noted with marketing "classic", then with emarketing (mainly based on email campaigns), that when the frequency is too high the results are quite bad due to the fact that the recipient is often irritated by what he considers as pollution (hey!). A recent survey has revealed that 58% of fans unsubscribe brands that communicate too on social media like Facebook By cons, a too low frequency does not allow you to exist in the personal or collective memory, so it's a question of balance! With Marketing 2.0, everything becomes more complicated, more sensitive, more difficult to resolve because direct and close interaction between people and organizations requires a lot of finesse and definitively makes standardization's outcomes more uncertain
If you're like me – and I know I am – then you're probably sick of posts and articles with headlines such as the one above. But I am fresh off a number of conversations with both media types and end-users that have compelled me to visit the subject again because of the...
1 Comment - It's easier to sit in your office and look at the internet and all the cool videos that marketing people build than it is to sit down with someone you barely know and try and pull information out of them
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