Are you looking into cloud information management (CIM) systems and getting confused?
In fact, I just signed up for the Novell Vibe service and it took less than five minutes before I was actually on my own site and ready to work. ( ) As an interesting side note, I was looking into a cloud-based collaboration application and looked in the Contact Information and couldn’t find a physical address – only phone and email
John will present “Information to Action” on April 3 at 3. To wrap up #AIIM14, John will focus on how you can turn information into action. Why is information so important? What’s information chaos (#infochaos) got to do with your business?
Information governance (IG) is all the rules, regulations, legislation, standards, and policies with which organizations need to comply when they create, share, and use information. Governance is mandated internally and externally. ( PHIGs IMC Inc – 2014 ) The above graphic, courtesy of the Information Governance Initiative , presents facets of Information Governance
Maybe there is still a place for this type of insurance, but I certainly don't want anyone to view it as an alternative to good information managment. In a lawyer’s world, much of the information they handle is actually the property of the client, not the firm
Yet, when it comes to information governance this seems . . . stupid. In an information-based economy, when employees rely upon having the right information available to them to do their jobs, why wouldn’t you want to have effectively information governance?
For the greater part of the last decade there has been consolidation among ECM vendors and this has been championed by the business community for the most part because prior to this consolidation we had information separated throughout our organizations
What is the promise of effectively managed information? Landers: Every year, studies indicate the velocity and volume at which information is growing. It can sometimes seem like an insurmountable task to attempt to manage it effectively, particularly unstructured information. When EMC works with our customers, we look at information as an asset: it’s your organization’s DNA
I eventually graduated from this very specific niche to the much broader realm of information governance – a term that still remains as vacuous as ever, much to the delight of information governance professionals such as myself. And then I went whole hog, and espoused on SharePoint as THE information management platform, no longer a contender in a market rich in history, but the ideal leader that reenergized a staid and stale set of solutions (RM, ECM, WCM, DAM, BPM and all the other acronyms) that just about every organization has owned for the last 15 years but never actually benefitted from
3 Comments - As a platform, SP does not scale semantically. If information is energy and entropy is the enemy of usable energy then without a technology agnostic 'leg' to ground it, Sharepoint is just another energy sink. I proposed an emancipation proclamation for information to Mike Mancini a while back and your article seems to provide more evidence that it's time has come!
Everyone wants information, but no one wants records...Records are tightly managed and information can have a tendency to become very chaotic
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