Recent AIIM research continues to create buzz in some of the cooler content and information management online publications. Here's a quick recap of some of the highlights from the last few weeks in case you missed them: The Paper Free Office: Dream or Reality made the...
It’s gotta be six months since I last railed against the endless debates over vernacular (see my post on January 6 ), but wouldn’t you know? Here comes another new bit of jargon guaranteed to obfuscate and confuse, necessitating another rant. The offending phrase this time...
Organizations large and small are still struggling to find the right balance between traditional (often hierarchical) ways of working and newer (often collaborative) business practices. When the two cultures clash, the results can be frustrating. Working with clients in both private and public...
How is the recovery going for everyone after the Info 360 conference? It was awesome to meet many of you in person, and to catch up with old friends. Note – the rumors of industry revolution and overthrow are only slightly exaggerated. To recap this crazy event, I felt like a...
I did a few controlled media cycles to measure the frequencies of Twitter mentions addressing SharePoint 2010. What was least interesting is the sustained buzz. It's fairly even without a whole lot of vascillation. What holds our complete fascination? Arguably the biggest...
This week, my nine year old son invited me to see the 3D movie “Toy Story 3” with him in the movie theatre. I was instantly reminded of Buzz Lightyear’s infamous quote “to infinity and beyond”. As a trained mathematician, I have always been challenged by this concept and tried to make sense of...
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