It's a bit of an accidentally well kept secret, but did you know that you can utilize the strength of AIIM Skills Development Training courses for your company's "Just In Time" training needs?
Last week, two members of my small team were preparing a short Introduction to SharePoint training session for a few of our engineers
It is one of the strongest sets of resources that we have provided around SharePoint Governance next to our SharePoint for ECM skills development training course. This toolkit is a bundled package of resources , not just a pdf overview, that walks you, step by step, through the creation of your plan and it is built upon the highly respected AIIM Comprehensive SharePoint Governance Model (used by so many major organizations) and until now, was only available through our SharePoint for ECM training
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Email: Bob Larrivee, Director and Industry Advisor - AIIM Email: Twitter – BobLarrivee #ECM #ECMBestPractice #compliance #e2.0 #ElectronicRecordsManagement #aiimtraining #iPad #tools #Android #Records-Management #iphone
Bob Larrivee, Director and Industry Advisor - AIIM Email: Twitter – BobLarrivee #businessprocess #businessprocessoptimization #AIIM #Improvement #ECMbestpratice #aiimtraining #BPM #content
Weissman: I’m an independent consultant who provides expert guidance and professional training in process and information management, advising and educating clients about working better and working better together , and deriving maximum total value from their enabling technologies
2 Comments - After watching so many CIP training videos Steve is my choice to be the backup narrator if Mr
Like you, they operate under a finite budget that probably required them to disappoint some people ( sorry, you can only go to one conference; only one of you can attend this training; I’d like you to have that certificate, but I can’t pay for training, testing or give you a raise if you get it …the list goes on)
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How to Start your Company ECM Program with Legal Document Management Immediately Stop Using Tape for Archiving Communications and Training (nothing yet) Example Problem: Defensible Disposition A 4-Step Methodology for Defensible Disposition Developing your Assessment Plan for Defensible Disposition Defensible Disposition in a Nutshell: My AIIM Talk #electronicdiscovery #governance #AIIM-Wisconsin #resources #ElectronicRecordsManagement #Milwaukeebar
If I hadn’t already known that, all I would have had to do is read a few entries on his Word of Pie blog. Training and travel budgets being what they are today, it’s silly to not investigate every opportunity you have, especially low-cost opportunities like an AIIM Chapter event
The event is going to feature Steve Weissman , you know the guy in all those CIP training videos, a.k.a
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