Behind the AIIM logo is a group of passionate and dedicated professionals focused on serving our wonderful community of information professionals.
Together, we are AIIM!
This week we meet Andrea Pope, Professional Development Advisor. Andrea has been with AIIM since February of 2008. Actually, she started a little earlier as a temporary handling logistics for our training department then transitioned into full-time status with our training department’s growth. Now, she is one of the voices you will hear when you contact AIIM for training, membership, or conference sales. She is always smiling, always calm, and always willing to help -that’s Andrea.
Andrea came to the United States over 10 years ago. She is from the island of Jamaica and now lives in Germantown, Maryland with her two wonderful children, Brianna and Sameer, and her “princess” Krissie (her puppy). Let’s meet Andrea.
Andrea Pope
Professional Development Advisor
LinkedIn account:
Twitter account: Apope2012
What do you do and what do love about it?
I help people/companies find the best training that suits their needs. I love that I am learning something new every day and that I get to work with great people.
Describe yourself using 3 words only.
Open. Trustworthy. Fun
What are you proudest of?
My accomplishments so far professionally, I have learned so much at AIIM from coordinating class locations and student information to now advising our customers on the best training for their needs. I’m constantly learning. Personally, my decision to come to the United States to make a better life for myself and my two children. I am very proud and happy with that decision.
What movie, no matter how many times you’ve seen it, do you have to watch when it’s on?
The First 48, it’s not a movie but one of those series you can’t stop watching.
Summer or Winter?
Both, I like the mixture (I grew up in Jamaica and was only used to the warm weather)
Favorite color?
What do you do for fun?
I am usually a home-body, but when I do go out I go to restaurants or go dancing with my friends. The kids and I love to go out too, usually eating or shopping - normal kid-stuff.
Go AIIM Team!
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