Records Management: Definitions, Principles, Standards and Trends Video of the presentation "Records Management: Definitions, Principles, Standards and Trends" by Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer @ DMS EXPO 2012, Stuttgart, Germany The powerpoint slides are available: #Records-Management #InformationGovernance #UlrichKampffmeyer #information governance #Standards #PROJECTCONSULT #ElectronicRecordsManagement #DMSEXPO #trends #ERM #electronic records management #video #ECM
The half-day session is chaired for the second time by Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer ( ), president of PROJECT CONSULT in Hamburg
The two opponents of the “Goodbye 2.0 revisited” panel discussion were Ulrich Kampffmeyer, managing director of PROJECT CONSULT, and Stefan Pfeiffer, Marketing Manager with IBM
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