Carla says: Being in the search business for too many years to count I have seen the focus on enterprise search as an organizational priority ebb and flow. For years it was all the rage and then...
Consider this. Microsoft has sold over 125 million licenses of SharePoint. It is a multi-billion dollar business. SharePoint is a platform that everyone seems to have, many actually use and most don’t understand how to implement and manage properly. There is no platform more in need of a...
In her recent post @ , Julie Cogan noted that some innovation in developing and implementing retention schedules is happening in the content analytics space. Using modeling tools to extract vocabularies for taxonomies for Enterprise...
Organizations need a strategy for tagging (assigning metadata to) records and information in ECRM systems. Referencing work by Clay Shirky, Emanuele Quintarelli, and others, Tom Reamy summarizes recent findings in a must-read article on the myths and benefits of taxonomies and folksonomies in...
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