An Electronic Records Management (ERM) Program should typically form part of a broader enterprise-wide Records and Information Management (RIM) Program in an organization that includes management records of all media (hard-copy, electronic) enterprise-wide
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I know 2 major organizations that searched for several months to find CRMs with sufficient experience in electronic records and information management to lead enterprise programs. The more seasoned CRM’s have come up through the physical records management ranks and are generally unprepared for the realities of electronic records management, electronic discovery, and SharePoint governance
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05-24-2023 | 12:30 - 13:30 ET
For example, you can design a “friendly,” user-oriented structure for general staff to use and another IA that satisfies the particular requirements of the RIM program. This way, RIM staff can view information through the lens required for their work without forcing everyone else to do so – and vice versa
In addition to VRC, he serves as the Chairman of the ICRM in 2023, is an instructor at San Jose State University's MARA program, is the President of IG GURU®, and a resume expert with Admovio®, where his work is published on
06-20-2023 | 12:30 - 13:30 ET
I know some organizations have corporate memory programs that incorporate capturing items of historical value such as significant contracts, photos from corporate picnics and other memorabilia
I always loved the speed and variety of consulting, and knew I’d be back one day, but also knew I wanted to “walk the walk” for a while to really get a better understanding of what it’s like to have to live with a RIM program every day (dirty socks and cap-less toothpaste and all)
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