In all social networks I’m a big advocate of blending the personal and professional
Don't be afraid to form a group for innovation from different stakeholders in your organization or different professional networks as many voices and hands can do much more then one person on their own. 3) Start an Information Governance Mafia: This is an idea I have bounced off of a couple of different type and I'd love to get the feedback of the AIIM community on this
It’s not that I don’t like e-mail. I do believe it’ll still have its place, together with the typewriter, vinyl record and the Walkman. Ok, that may sound a little too extreme for some. Maybe a more realistic assessment is to compare the future of e-mail with our home address or our telephone...
Its key to think of SharePoint 2010’s My Site as “Professional Networking” and that is the only term they should ever be referred to as that help set a standard and mindset within users
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The AIIM Conference offers an outstanding lineup of expert speakers, training programs, and networking events—tremendous value is offered here
And privacy considerations associated with commercial social networks or the organization's website
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