Purpose of Article The purpose of the document is to outline EPC Group best practice recommendations from an “In the Trenches” SharePoint Consulting perspective for Enterprise SharePoint 2010 Environments
1 Comment - Can we run user profile full sync and db full backup simultaneously in SharePoint 2010?
Devin Krugly published a very interesting blog/article, describing the " The 7 Deadly Sins of Information Governance "...Devin has done a great job of projecting these pitfalls to an Information Governance program
Many systems development shops, ours included, rely more on user feedback, bug notifications and the normal influx of change requests. I would argue that in a small shop like ours, this works pretty well
The explosive growth of information technology over the last three decades - and the corresponding tidal wave of newly created recorded information - has been both a blessing and a curse for those of us in the Records Management profession
9 Comments - In sum, you make very good arguments for the program theme of the ARMA NOVA Chapter this year: "Information Governance: Leaving the Paper Paradigm Behind."
I am looking forward to the amazing sessions and networking opportunities to reconnect with old faces and meet new ones. For those of you who are unable to make the conference this year, Have No Fear, I will be posting a recap blog each morning of the previous days activities for your enjoyment
I have internalized a concept about Records Management and eDiscovery for several years, but it has been made evident to me from working on recent projects that this view of the world of RM is not universally shared. Because of the changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure some years back, Electronically Stored Information (ESI) is now discoverable in court cases, regardless of whether it is being treated as an official business record of the organization. So, rather than having RM become an afterthought it needs to effectively deal with as much of the ESI landscape as possible
I had the privilege of presenting a session with Rob Howley to a packed audience on Records Management in the Cloud, heard many engaging presentations and spoke with colleagues and vendors of products
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