” It’s really an amazing example of how vital having timely access to information can be. Most organizations aren’t dealing in life-or-death decisions, but that doesn’t mean that fast access to accurate information isn’t important
Just completed an AIIM White Paper called “Content Access – maximizing availability across the enterprise” (download here )
It ties multiple applications together, allowing people to access information in the manner and environment with which they are most comfortable
You’re out of your mind if you think blocking access to file sharing services is filling a security gap...And dig this … Box is working on something that would let the customer (that’s you, btw) maintain control of, and access to, encryption keys
Microsoft has architected and literally built these data centers from the ground up to protect services and data from not only natural disaster but physical intrusion or physical attack and unauthorized access as well. Per Microsoft’s statement, “Data center access is restricted 24 hours per day by job function so that only essential personnel have access to customer applications and services
Our users want to telecommute and have access to information at any time and from any location. If we do not provide it for them, then we are fooling ourselves if we think we can outsmart them and prevent compliance failures and other risks by trying to rope off all access to information
” The book focuses mainly on how information—particularly political information—is delivered by the media, and Johnson know whereof he speaks; he was co-founder of Blue State Digital, the firm that built and managed President Obama’s online campaign for the presidency in 2008, as well as director of Sunlight Labs at the Sunlight Foundation, where he was in charge of building open source tools to give people greater access to government data
It's a celebration of free and open access to educational tools and platforms, reducing the barriers to ongoing learning. "Open education is about sharing, reducing barriers and increasing access in education. It includes free and open access to platforms, tools and resources in education....Open education seeks to create a world in which the desire to learn is fully met by the opportunity to do so
Still, every organization needs to improve worker efficiency and access to information while maintaining control over data security, privacy and compliance, allowing top-to-bottom Collaboration with Confidence
Over the last couple of days I’ve seen/heard some comments that Big Buckets don’t work well in Records Management. Uhm, you’re doing it wrong. I suspect that a large part of the issue is that classification models are too granular and too tightly coupled to the retention...
1 Comment - Do you guys not have access to Visio or PowerPoint?
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