A few years back, the local council faced an extreme cash crunch which forced them to implement drastic budget cuts. Naturally, this also forced the Board of Commissioners to consider cutting the IT server costs
In this time of austere budgets and turf battles, it helps to consider the role of IT as a critical enabler, not a necessary placeholder
So much havoc since the summer of 2008—it’s tough to tell the state of Records Management budgets yet. They may be healthier now than then…(I’d love to see a current survey)
With this infrastructure, even with small and limited budget, small businesses could simply get access to entry-level equipment
Like you, they operate under a finite budget that probably required them to disappoint some people ( sorry, you can only go to one conference; only one of you can attend this training; I’d like you to have that certificate, but I can’t pay for training, testing or give you a raise if you get it …the list goes on)
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For every manager promoting BYOD like a church’s Sunday potluck supper, there is a poor slob eating his way through his budget in $2.99 bites while slowly realizing that Evernote does everything except talk to OneNote and Jot
Someone who realizes that they are in permanent beta will not only eagerly pursue certifications like the Certified Information Professional and Certified Records Manager but they will also budget time for things like webinars, blogs and other sources of information management material
On the other hand, they are concerned about security, they don’t have a budget of their own to spend and they are starting to see that a hodgepodge of consumer solutions is creating an even bigger problem – “ is that in my SkyDrive, in DropBox or is that in Evernote in an unsynced notebook?
-- Obesity : a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems Content Obesity : An organisational condition in which excess redundant information has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on business efficiency, leading to depleted budgets, reduced business agility and/or increased legal and compliance risks
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