Much of what we create and save is stored in unstructured format on network drives, local hard drives and even thumb drives
Also, I want to make sure that I can synchronize these documents between my work and home office computers, without the hassle of copying them back and forth using USB drives. So I tried out Dropbox , and rather liked it, to the point that I actually started becoming almost dependant on it. There are of course also quite a lot of interesting alternatives to Dropbox: Microsoft SkyDrive , Google Drive , Apple iCloud , and many others
If you’re a student who’s stuck using flash drives and emailing files to classmates (or even worse, yourself!)...Instead of carrying around a flash drive and hoping you’ll remember to throw it in your bag, upload all of your files to a cloud service
Web pages or documents on shared drives are the easy part...Do you want to focus on the low-hanging fruit, such as documents stored on network drives? Or do you want to target frequently referenced material in a particular repository?
In the case of Microsoft they have multiple free or very inexpensive storage options with OneDrive, One Drive for Business and indirectly with other business oriented solutions with their Yammer and SharePoint offerings
Some of the file-sharing systems even allow to collaboratively work on documents, as for example with Google Drive , which makes it very attractive to users that want to see in real-time who is doing what on which document
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Especially with cloud based storage services like Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, Box, Google Drive and others
Google gives Android away for free as a way to drive mobile phone users to their ecosystem and extremely profitable searches and advertising
The reason why having DoD 5015.2 compliant records management systems didn't protect ECM vendors from the rise of SharePoint Records management system standards such as US DoD 5015.2 and their eqivalents world wide were written to fill holes in the Microsoft Windows/Exchange/Office/Shared drive platforms that dominated organisations in the early years of the 21st century. Systems meeting those standards provided the things that shared drives lack, such as the ability to: define custom metadata for documents and folders apply version control to documents lock down documents as records share documents across team boundaries hold a fileplan hold retention and access rules apply retention and access rules to records via a fileplan The problems for these systems, and for the records management specifications that lay behind them, came when the platform owner, Microsoft, started to move to expand its platform, and to fill in some (but not all) of these holes itself
Cloud computing is white hot, but it is inherently an environment that drives costs down to commodity levels and ECM is a crowded market
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