The volume of tweets related to #E20 rises exponentially
Today, AIIM hosted a tweet chat, tag #ECMJam, to discuss Content Management. Last time we focused on the Relevancy of ECM, but today we focused on the intersection of ECM and Social Media
Cloud Content Management (CCM) is such a new subject that at the time I wrote this post there is not a Wikipedia entry for CCM
The original archived webinar can be found HERE - And while this is more of an "ECM-ish" topic than strictly speaking an E20 topic, there are clearly overlaps, so I thought I would share some of the thoughts here
What is the key difference between Mobile Content Management & “normal” Content Management?
Aside from my background in the Enterprise Content Management space, I would probably be described as a little too passionate about the Philadelphia Eagles
These trends have a profound impact to the way that we try to manage content within the enterprise and one thing is clear: Enterprise Content Management is dead
In 2020, we will probably have become willy-nilly very selective about the content (web pages, commercial sites, social networks, etc. ..) read or watched on line
The assessment of information is not a new topic, but the explosion of content makes it more urgent
Yesterday (May 30, 2016) I read this article which contends that Box, Dropbox, and others are not content management platforms
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