
ECM -- Past, present, future

By John Mancini posted 09-03-2010 15:09



I recently helped a company with a webinar in which they asked me to think about how the ECM industry has changed over the past 5 years and how I saw it changing over the next 5. The original archived webinar can be found HERE -
And while this is more of an "ECM-ish" topic than strictly speaking an E20 topic, there are clearly overlaps, so I thought I would share some of the thoughts here.
Here's another take on the same subject. It's a short video -- only about 8 minutes. I'd be interested in your take -- Where do you Agree? Disagree?
And for those who maybe have strange and bizarre corporate firewall limitations on YouTube (I would hope that as a recipient of an RSS feed for an E20 blog this is NOT the case, but I know from our recent survey work that a lot of these kinds of Luddite restrictions are still in place), following the video is a quick text summary of the points in the presentation…
Looking into the ECM crystal ball…
  • Where were we 5 years ago?
  • Where we are now?
  • Where are going in the next 5 years?
Where were we 5 years ago?
  • Cost and efficiency primary business drivers.
  • Not mentioned in AIIM 2005 Industry Study – SharePoint
  • Everybody believed it really was possible to “do” ECM
  • BB & H, Captaris, Captiva, Datacap, Day, eCopy, Hummingbird, Interwoven, Plasmon, Stellent, Tower, and Vignette were still independent vendors
  • Beginning of shift from archiving to process
Where we are now?
  • Back to basics
  • “ECM” as a term stressed
  • Quarter by quarter project focus
  • Email still out of control
  • World of “ECM” getting both bigger and more niched…

    • Basic DM and collaboration moving downstream
    • “ECM” expanding into information management
Where are we going in the next 5 years?
  • Cloud, cloud, cloud
  • Mobile
  • Open platforms
  • Intelligent information
  • Big data and collapse of data/document walls
  • Increasing challenges with social/ad hoc content

#ECM #content #Management #E20
