If you are looking to add electronic forms in your organization, make sure that the software you choose has the ability to integrate seamlessly with your applications. 7. Version Control Version control on paper forms is a nightmare, and imprecise at best
It provides only basic functions, like login security, but does not offer any document management related functions such as version control, check in/out, workflow, etc
People need to know why we use version control and how to use version control
In addition, there is little (if any) version control associated with emailed documents; multiple copies can be in circulation at any given time, presenting the risk of mistakes being propagated or going unfixed
The scope should not include unstructured “dynamic” documents such as Microsoft Office documents that require version control or collaboration capabilities
Much time and effort has been spent over the years improving the quality of the information we use to get our work done: we’ve invested in the deskewing and despeckling of images, subjected documents to version control, and striven to reconcile metatags to improve findability
Other security guards required—and available—for an enterprise-class solution include: · Application security: permissions by document, folder, group, or role | check in and check out | version control | document and audit history · Synchronization: take your content with you | synchronize across all devices | automated, guided conflict resolution · Mobile security: device management | encryption | pins It’s a marriage made in heaven: your very own cloud for all your business content, accessed equally well by mobile apps, third-party apps, web portals, and browsers—on an infrastructure built to the highest security stands, one worthy of demanding military and financial institutions
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PS, I have only been able to test InDesign, but I was able to open a document from a version-controlled library that required Check-in/out
Third, as of 2011 when I last produced these exhibits, Adobe Creative Suite could not work with documents in a SharePoint library that had version control and check-in/out enabled
Therefore you may not be taking advantage of higher level features such as: - Version control - Permissions based actions - Workflow rules Establishing a plan now, researching viable options to move your content to the cloud, whether public or private, and communication throughout your organization is a solid approach
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