In the absence of an expensive "vendor management" system, the end to end process can seem like a chaotic dance of emails, paper, and documents
Over the past several months our knowledge management team has entertained some potential suitors to piece together the far-flung resources of a global engineering organization. Our Proof of Concept (or PoC) has centered on the adoption of competing enterprise search providers to help unify our...
I said I would walk through an example of “IT staffing/vendor management requests” in more detail and provide an example of estimating lost productivity of the business use case
I also look after vendor management. Bob: When did you get the idea to make AIIM Education part of your training focus and what were the drivers for the decision?
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Here’s the complete list of criteria: Primary Processes Supporting Processes Primary Technology Capabilities Supporting Technology Capabilities Operations Quality Mechanisms Human Resources Customer Satisfaction Financial Management Vendor Management Business Continuity And here are the questions we ask, in more detail: 1
Link to presentation by Tod Chernikoff. What does it take to ensure the systems you develop or acquire align with your RIM requirements? This session will offer you guidance to increase the odds of compliance with your organization's RIM goals. Over 20 years ago I realized the disconnect...
AIIM True North webinar Oct 28 Aligning Systems Development and Implementation with Your Organization's RIM Requirements or RIM is Vital to Systems Development and Implementation.pptx
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