Generally, there are a few use case scenarios you might consider
Social Business Conference, September 8, 2011 View more presentations from Atle Skjekkeland . #governance #enterprise2.0 #SocialBusiness #AIIM
I’d like to invite my colleague, Scott Thompson, senior product marketing manager, to the AIIM Community Blog to discuss OCR and capture use in the insurance industry. When one thinks about insurance, efficiency is probably not the first word that comes to mind. The word that comes...
So what can we do to bring the use cases back into focus? First know what a use case is. A use case is a solution agnostic statement about how something should operate in simple layman’s terms. A use case for blog posting could be “in a browser window type the text of the blog, when complete posts it for others to see”. Use cases are activities, not features
For those of you out there with an application development background, we’re really talking about identifying business level use cases, i.e., the scenarios or activities that each user type will engage in using the new technology. In terms of the home office versus field reps example, for E2.0 capabilities, they might look something like this: User Type: Field Rep – Manager Use Case 1: collaborating on performance reviews Use Case 2: participating in projects as team member Use Case 3: contributing to knowledge base User Type: Field Rep – Project Manager Use Case 1: collaborating on group deliverables Use Case 2: managing team projects Use Case 3: accessing knowledge base How are they going to do it?
Leveraging offsite tape vaulting can increase the longevity of the data backed up to tape, and data backup remains one of the largest use cases of LTFS technology. Big Data, Big Tapes One use case that has not been frequently discussed is the alignment of big data with the Linear Tape File System
ECM and CMIS There are primarily three use cases of ECM related to CMIS: Repository to Repository Interactions – The first use case of CMIS is Repository to Repository interaction where interaction between content repositories needs to be created for publishing content or providing records management services. Federated Repository – The second use case is related to Federated Repository wherein a single application can interact with multiple repositories while presenting a single interface to the user
This mobile application, gadget and use case trio sampler shows interesting and innovative scenarios to which we can apply OCR and capture technologies
I often use something like it to help clarify all the different types, use cases, applications, vendors, and products associated with electronic forms
There are very few quality resources available that address internal use cases or even external ones apart from marketing, sales, and customer service. Yet we believe that internal use cases will provide significant value to organizations and may represent a more transformative opportunity for organizations over time
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