There is a lot of buzz around this year’s Service Provider Executive Forum...AIIM listened to the service provider community as frustration mounted over an event that had outlived its usefulness and importance to many attendees
Another 39% are turning to outsourcing for help in Web and Mobile Development, specifically for front-end developers and those that specialize in Android and iOs Applications. 22% of these companies use service providers while 18% rely on consulting firms and 16% use cloud-based service providers
A short entry for this week: As a continuation of the “going digital” discussion – it is advantageous to work toward a scenario in which not only internal business processes are converted to digital record-keeping environments whenever possible, but in which information received by the organization from third parties (service providers, partners, customers) - is received digitally as well. This typically requires that contracts with third parties service providers stipulate the provision of trustworthy digital rather than hard-copy records – unless there is a specific requirement to receive and/or retain hard copy
Many large organizations, and some forward-thinking smaller ones, require their document scanning service provider have a SOC 2 Type 2 Report
A movement, perhaps an inevitability … Over the past several weeks, I have had essentially the same conversation with multiple users, service providers, and even reporters about the need to deemphasize technology and take a more functional/business-oriented approach to process and information management
I am actually referring to the AIIM Document Management Service Provider Executive Forum that took place a few weeks ago in USA’s very own “Music City,” Nashville, Tennessee. I gained a lot of insight during the event on industry topics ranging from increasing targeted website traffic, fiscal leadership, offshore outsourcing, and Sharepoint.AIIM President, John Mancini , gave a great presentation on the state of the document management service provider industry, which revealed results from AIIM research and a survey on end user drivers, adoption, and implementation obstacles
The 900 pound gorilla cuts a fat two way profile in our community of SharePoint users. Mention obesity in a crowded server farm and that usually means that Microsoft has layered more arterial-clogging goopiness than your WAN can possibly carry. It's true. This one's going out to all you...
But the number of equipment and service providers in this arena is shrinking dramatically, and research we’ve been conducting indicates it’s reasonable to expect only one or two notable holdouts to survive much longer
The definition of Network Operators includes, “those who own or administer a network, and to network service providers.” [2] Based on this definition, the reach of the law now extends to not only network service providers, but also those who own or administer a network, which is conceivably any private company, including Multinationals
What I do care about is being at least as diligent about selecting partners as you are about selecting technology and service providers; I want partners that are every bit as invested in your success as I am
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