
How Companies Utilize IT Outsourcing and What We Can Learn From Them

By Chris Jankulovski posted 08-28-2012 01:34


As technology and the infrastructure that supports it continue to improve by leaps and bounds, so too does the IT outsourcing market continue to grow.

The reliance on  IT outsourcing for certain aspects of a company has always been there, and now the latest advancements has opened up new possibilities for companies to collaborate and take IT offshore.

According to a survey of 200 IT executives by Bluewolf, 48% will hire more contractors than full-time [Tweet This] staff and 32% see the need to increase their levels of IT outsourcing in the coming year.

The IT functions most frequently outsourced were, Application Development, Web and Mobile Development, Application Hosting, App Maintenance and Data Center Operations.

Application Development is the leading category, with 46% of the respondents already outsourcing and 30% planning to increase offshore hiring. 36% of these companies are using consulting firms while 40% are hiring contractors to augment their staff.

Another 39% are turning to outsourcing for help in Web and Mobile Development, specifically for front-end developers and those that specialize in Android and iOs Applications.

22% of these companies use service providers while 18% rely on consulting firms and 16% use cloud-based service providers.

Of the 200 respondents, 28% have also used IT outsourcing firms for the hosting of applications that they use, seeking software developers and online staff to serve as consultants in the use of Salesforce and Eloqua.

IT online and offshore staff are also being employed to provide assistance to for application maintenance. 19% of those surveyed have utilized consulting firms to acquire systems analysts, developers and admin for this.

A number of them (23%) outsource the operations of their data center, primarily those with managed service providers. Their data warehouse requires architects, developers and QA professionals.

The skill that was most sought after was adeptness in Salesforce, especially for developers and admin roles, highlighting the increasing demand for people with proficiency in cloud computing.

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