The 900 pound gorilla cuts a fat two way profile in our community of SharePoint users. Mention obesity in a crowded server farm and that usually means that Microsoft has layered more arterial-clogging goopiness than your WAN can possibly carry. It's true. This one's going out to all you...
But let me be clear about what “mobile” means. It is not remote access from a laptop
The other side of the problem now, is that users don’t know where to look, meaning the physical location, they must have the correct security for remote access, and they may be using multiple devices to communicate
for access outside the firewall, and ask for easy mobile/remote access so they can read/contribute?
Yes, yes, remote solutions, SharePoint included are great when I need access from multiple machines, and once I need to involve others in the process, but until those needs surface, remote access is one more barrier to productivity
Are there capabilities to destroy the information through remote access, if stolen?
Helped our employees while at work to allow them to concentrate on pressing task and providing them access to take work home to be completed at their convenience but still on time Allows employees traveling to access important information at any time 24x7. Remote access that allows employees to use other workstations when necessary; i.e., computer repair, relocation, etc
Document management and records management sound very much alike, don’t you think? However, they are two different organizational techniques that can be used separately or together to help business practices. Knowing the difference between document and records management helps...
7 Comments - However, they do not lend themselves to digitization and consequent electronic backup or remote access
SharePoint System Architect Network Engineer Firewalls WAN WAN Optimization Remote Access Management External Access Management Load Balancing Infrastructure Team Will not have access to portal or site configuration settings and will not be able to make any changes to the application
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