Two considerations are that we will need information management professionals to configure and oversee these software processes
AIIM is now taking the bold step of introducing a new information management certification for IT and information professionals
I wondered what you guys think of digital signing of documentation. Is it helpful for a low cost centre in , say Asia, to produce and sign off designs which are approved/signed in London using digital signatures. Interested in your comments. #digitalsigning #multiplesignatures ...
Application usage skirts information management and concludes with an open call for volunteers to be SharePoint administrators (!)
If you want to take it one step further, you can begin to leverage your SharePoint site as a "project information management" dashboard as well
Are you looking into cloud information management (CIM) systems and getting confused?
Improvement in our information management practices and supporting processes – a topic on the Keynote Panel in which I will participate next week in Chicago at the World Congress Leadership Summit on Process Improvement and Business Excellence in Health Care - that enable us to maximize our efficiencies and effectiveness throughout the enterprise
As environments in which SIM systems will be implemented may vary, all IT supervisors searching for security information management products should ask themselves the following: So how exactly does the tool scale?
How do you plan a successful information management solution implementation?
At the same time, EMC bought Kazeon (RM), Iron Mountain has absorbed Misoma Systems (email archiving and eDiscovery) and Autonomy took over the CA Enterprise Information Management technology, etc.. It was also the time for the first communication and the emergence of Enterprise Information Management in the speech of many analysts and a lot of notes and posts about information management, structured and unstructured data, have been published here and elsewhere
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