Improvement in our information management practices and supporting processes – a topic on the Keynote Panel in which I will participate next week in Chicago at the World Congress Leadership Summit on Process Improvement and Business Excellence in Health Care - that enable us to maximize our efficiencies and effectiveness throughout the enterprise. This is where I see a complementary fit between EHR and ECM (Enterprise Content Management) in that under an ECM umbrella, using established standards and practices for records and process management, health care organizations can truly benefit in information sharing and meeting the goals of meaningful use through interoperability, flexibility and extension across and beyond the enterprise
The fact that the FDA has taken a proactive approach in this area is a sign of progress in the health care sectorโs efforts to move into a more flexible and digital state. It is also a sign that the FDA wants to ensure these apps are beneficial and not harmful for consumers and health care providers
John Zotalis presented Take Two Updates and Call Me in the Morning. Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC) recently completed a migration assessment and content consolidation project from a legacy enterprise content management system to the latest platform version
Every time I hear this term “totally mobile” it reminds me of a friend I had in high school who was raised in California and moved to New England. He had been working on an old car his Dad gave him to use when he got his license. On that day, he showed up where we all hung out and...
Accenture's rise as a social enterprise is a terrific success story for enterprise collaboration, and our vision at Ozmosis is to drive a similar transformation in health care. In our industry, technology adoption and the related workflow changes typically lag behind due to a unique set of clinical and regulatory challenges
Did I get your attention? You are probably wondering how the cloud and healthcare are related. Well here is a little story based on real life experience. I am preparing for a trip outside the US – no surprise there – but this time I am required to get some vaccinations due to my...
Missed AIIM 2014? Or did you just miss out on a session or three you wanted to see? In the coming weeks, we'll be sharing many of the presentations with you. Actionable advice and thought leadership brought to you by some of the smartest people in the information technology industry. Robin...
I like to watch what is going on in relation to information management – who doesn’t right? In particular, since the healthcare industry is on the move to go digital with patient records, I like to watch and see what is happening. One of the things I watch is the U.S. Department of...
I was thumbing through this week’s InformationWeek magazine and ran across an ad promoting the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) incentives for professionals and hospitals who can demonstrate meaningful use of certified electronic health record (EHR) technology. The way...
AthenaHealth co-founder Jonathan Bush shares one example at the Health Care Blog about the need for collaboration at the point of care for the purpose of clinical information exchange
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